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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a mountain cow? What is so special?
Native to the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, these free-grazing cows consume a diverse range of mountain herbs. Raised naturally by local farmers without commercial feeds, their active lifestyle and varied diet enhance the nutritional profile of the milk and ghee.
Also their naturally lower milk yield compared to other native cows contributes to a richer, more concentrated milk quality.
What is the Bilona method? What is so special?
It is the traditional method of ghee preparation where the boiled milk is inoculated with a curd starter, curd is hand-churned to obtain butter, which is then slowly cooked to produce the perfect Bilona ghee. This method preserves the natural flavours and nutrients of the milk, resulting in ghee with enhanced nutritional value, a rich aroma and taste, a smooth and creamy texture, improved digestibility, and retained traditional health benefits.
Why slow cooking?
Slow cooking allows the butter to gently caramelise, creating a rich, nutty flavour, golden colour, and the characteristic grainy texture, while preserving vitamins, boosting butyric acid, and reducing lactose and casein for a more nutritious and digestible ghee.
Is ghee made from cream considered a Bilona method?
No, ghee made from cream is not the Bilona method.
Cream Method: Ghee is made by churning cream from fresh milk directly, resulting in a smooth texture with a mild flavour.
Bilona Method: Ghee is made by churning curd, producing a grainy texture with a rich, nutty flavour and more nutrients, thanks to the traditional slow-cooking process.